Block Operation Information
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block | 901124 |
time | 1727878509 (2024 Oct 02 - 14:15:09) |
opblock | 1 |
maturation | 23771 |
optype | 1 |
subtype | 11 |
account | 71 |
signer_account | 71 |
n_operation | 8701 |
senders | Array |
receivers | Array |
changers | Array |
optxt | Tx-Out 1.5828 PASC from 71-61 to 1190004-97 |
fee | -0.0001 |
fee_s | -0.0001 |
amount | -1.5828 |
amount_s | -1.5828 |
payload | |
payload_type | 0 |
sender_account | 71 |
dest_account | 1190004 |
ophash | 04C00D0047000000FD210000831916C8D443C3CF56DB43F7A2D196B2CAA8AB01 |
block | 901124 |
time | 1727878509 (2024 Oct 02 - 14:15:09) |
opblock | 2 |
maturation | 23771 |
optype | 1 |
subtype | 11 |
account | 71 |
signer_account | 71 |
n_operation | 8702 |
senders | Array |
receivers | Array |
changers | Array |
optxt | Tx-Out 2.6170 PASC from 71-61 to 1139814-80 |
fee | -0.0001 |
fee_s | -0.0001 |
amount | -2.617 |
amount_s | -2.6170 |
payload | |
payload_type | 0 |
sender_account | 71 |
dest_account | 1139814 |
ophash | 04C00D0047000000FE210000579A2557E7B8519A5FDF5FFF7B79918CDBE1B3A4 |
block | 901124 |
time | 1727878509 (2024 Oct 02 - 14:15:09) |
opblock | 3 |
maturation | 23771 |
optype | 1 |
subtype | 11 |
account | 71 |
signer_account | 71 |
n_operation | 8703 |
senders | Array |
receivers | Array |
changers | Array |
optxt | Tx-Out 7.3217 PASC from 71-61 to 85151-13 |
fee | -0.0001 |
fee_s | -0.0001 |
amount | -7.3217 |
amount_s | -7.3217 |
payload | |
payload_type | 0 |
sender_account | 71 |
dest_account | 85151 |
ophash | 04C00D0047000000FF21000054CE3F5ABD48724A316A22D1DB7B317153907781 |
block | 901124 |
time | 1727878509 (2024 Oct 02 - 14:15:09) |
opblock | 4 |
maturation | 23771 |
optype | 1 |
subtype | 11 |
account | 71 |
signer_account | 71 |
n_operation | 8704 |
senders | Array |
receivers | Array |
changers | Array |
optxt | Tx-Out 4.6518 PASC from 71-61 to 680984-16 |
fee | -0.0001 |
fee_s | -0.0001 |
amount | -4.6518 |
amount_s | -4.6518 |
payload | |
payload_type | 0 |
sender_account | 71 |
dest_account | 680984 |
ophash | 04C00D004700000000220000E4A70EB54EB92D10856B07FC8EF7B77B6FE32F91 |
block | 901124 |
time | 1727878509 (2024 Oct 02 - 14:15:09) |
opblock | 5 |
maturation | 23771 |
optype | 1 |
subtype | 11 |
account | 71 |
signer_account | 71 |
n_operation | 8705 |
senders | Array |
receivers | Array |
changers | Array |
optxt | Tx-Out 1.3506 PASC from 71-61 to 1194309-48 |
fee | -0.0001 |
fee_s | -0.0001 |
amount | -1.3506 |
amount_s | -1.3506 |
payload | |
payload_type | 0 |
sender_account | 71 |
dest_account | 1194309 |
ophash | 04C00D0047000000012200004F15204AB522600958B8026057B3F902B0FA961B |
block | 901124 |
time | 1727878509 (2024 Oct 02 - 14:15:09) |
opblock | 9 |
maturation | 23771 |
optype | 2 |
subtype | 21 |
account | 104632 |
signer_account | 104632 |
n_operation | 4 |
senders | Array |
receivers | Array |
changers | Array |
optxt | Change Key to secp256k1 |
fee | 0 |
fee_s | 0.0000 |
amount | 0 |
amount_s | 0.0000 |
payload | |
payload_type | 0 |
enc_pubkey | CA022000612209BA7DB9EF239DA652C869FEFBBAC83EA156E86166DA8D53A5EC9CBD71EF2000BBF1B6764366F0D8FD88FDD7B80DF7EA3A2C5CC2D5AFF44B8F43A524086388DB |
ophash | 04C00D00B8980100040000009683E13B61F2751F2702EA016D057358B0D4705C |
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